Located in Serra da Freita, municipality of Arouca, we find the "Cascata da Frecha da Mizarela", one of the highest waterfalls of Europe with about 75 meters of high.

The vegetation of Serra da Freita, consisting predominantly by heather and gorse and in the slope areas, by pines, oaks, strawberry trees and holly, protects some species such as the Iberian wolf, the wild cat, the wild boar, the Common Buzzard, among others.

Este excepcional monumento natural pode ser contemplado a partir de diversos miradouros ou do próprio leito do rio junto à freguesia de Albergaria da Serra, descendo o vale à base da queda pelos diversos trilhos pedrestres, junto à povoação da Ribeira. Por fim, pare para contemplar o pôr-do-sol nesta paisagem serena e bucólica onde a natureza se encontra no seu estado mais puro.
This remarkable natural monument can be viewed from several vantage points or by the river bed near the parish of Albergaria da Serra, down the valley to the base of the fall by the several rails, near the village of Ribeira. Finally, stop to admire the sunset in this quit and bucolic landscape where nature stays in its purest state.

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