Esta Andorinha está carregada de simbolismo porque a sua chegada está associada ao anúncio da primavera. A cauda é ligeiramente bifurcada, as partes superiores são escuras contrastando com urupígio branco e largo, as partes inferiores são brancas e o bico é fino e bastante curto. Alimenta-se exclusivamente de insectos,
que captura em pleno voo, pelo que migra para climas com abundância de
insetos voadores. Constrói ninhos fechados em forma de taça com lama e palha sob os beirais dos edifícios ou locais semelhantes. A Andorinha-dos-beirais (Delichon urbica) é bastante abundante e bem distribuída de norte a sul. Chega ao nosso território a partir de Fevereiro e em Outubro já restam poucas entre nós.
This Swallow is laden with symbolism because their arrival is associated with the announcement of the spring. The tail is slightly forked, the upper parts are dark contrasting with the large and white rump, the lower parts are white and the beak is thin and rather short. It feeds exclusively on insects, capturing in flight, so it migrates to climates with plenty of flying insects. Builds nests closed cup-shaped with mud and straw under the eaves of buildings or similar locations. The House Martin (Delichon urbica) is quite abundant and well destributed from north to south. Arrives at our territory from February and in October have a few left among us.
This Swallow is laden with symbolism because their arrival is associated with the announcement of the spring. The tail is slightly forked, the upper parts are dark contrasting with the large and white rump, the lower parts are white and the beak is thin and rather short. It feeds exclusively on insects, capturing in flight, so it migrates to climates with plenty of flying insects. Builds nests closed cup-shaped with mud and straw under the eaves of buildings or similar locations. The House Martin (Delichon urbica) is quite abundant and well destributed from north to south. Arrives at our territory from February and in October have a few left among us.
Local: Carviçais, Torre de Moncorvo em Maio 2012
4 comentários:
Hermosas todas las fotos, bien de cerca y ostrando su alimentación con insectos. la foto del ejemplar en vuelo es excelente
Gracias Hermán, nas fotos elas estão a recolher material para a construção dos ninhos, a alimentação da espécie é realizada em voo :) (It feeds exclusively on insects, capturing in flight)
lindas aves e excelentes imagens ;)
Obrigado bé :)
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