A Trepadeira-comum é uma ave pequena de tons acastanhados na parte superior e branca no abdómen, com bico longo, fino e encurvado para baixo. Prefere os bosques de folha caduca velhos, parques e jardins. Procura aranhas e pequenos insectos subindo os troncos em constante movimento utilizando o seu bico fino e arqueado para capturar as suas presas da casca das árvores.
The Short-toed Treecreeper is a little bird reddish-brown on top and white on the belly, with long bill, thin and stooped down. Prefers old forests with deciduous leaves, parks and gardens. Search spiders and little insects climbing the trunks in constantly movement using its thin and curved bill to catch their preys from tree bark.
Local: Parque da Cidade do Porto em Maio 2009
The Short-toed Treecreeper is a little bird reddish-brown on top and white on the belly, with long bill, thin and stooped down. Prefers old forests with deciduous leaves, parks and gardens. Search spiders and little insects climbing the trunks in constantly movement using its thin and curved bill to catch their preys from tree bark.
Local: Parque da Cidade do Porto em Maio 2009
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